Watching the rain was a joy and even more joyous was getting wet. Of course the trouble of catching cold was always there...but then who cares. The whole area around him seemed to have turned into an island and there was water everywhere. It seemed to him like the scene of the movie WATER WORLD where there was no sight of land anywhere. He had a small fishing net and he was fishing standing on the wall just a few meters away from his house. Life is full of fun...or so Chandru thought.

Suddenly there was commotion all over. His mom came and asked him to pack his clothes. He wanted a reason and no one gave him one. After a few minutes a few policemen came in boats and asked them to get into the boat. His parents and his neighbors alighted into the boat with some sobs and it seemed as if he was the only one who was happy at the sight of rain. He wondered why elders despised rain so much when they got to be thankful for it.
Then he remembered that he had left his favorite cycle in his house and asked his mom if they could return back. His mom already angry and furious slapped him hard and Chandru was left crying alone. Out of rage he jumped out of the boat and tried to swim. But the tide was high and he found himself drowning...drowning...drowning.....
"Chandru...Chandru..wake up. I should not have allowed you to watch that stupid flood on TV. Wake up. You are getting late to your school".
Chandru, woke up to face a new rainless day to his school in a 'desert'ed Rajasthan city.
P.S : Happened to see a boy fishing standing on a wall near my company.
hey..good one :)
Thanks :-)
Yeah..when i was searching for the photo and saw this one i almost yelled :-)
harish first time here...good one !
Rajasthan - ur post brought back lotsa memories :)
Thanks :-)
U were in Rajasthan?
I was in Gujarat. So i knew how thrilling it was to see rain once in a while.
Good Story!! Aana Rajasthan payyan flood vara maadhiri dream pannuradh konjam over...
naanum indha maadhiri dream panniyirukan .. After reading "Tell me your dreams".. that night I dreamt that I also had multiple personality disorder... chanceeillla dream romba thrillingaa irundhudhu.
Philosophically speaking naama ellarumae split personality thaan...difference is that ppl who cant suppress it show it and are labelled as MPD and rest walk on the streets.
good one :) i love rain too... i can't stop myself from getting wet when its raining
here we were flooding with rain till few days ago :)
beautiful picture
keep coming
Welcome Chaitanya
Yeah..i love getting wet in rain too..
i love walking in the rain...donno why :-)
Wow beautiful pic i thought u took frm net, do u do photography also?
hell no Sugee
But i know to pick a good one when i see it :-)
Pakka CTRL C+ CTRL V..
I think that chandru can be me
See also this..
Chandru Thought
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